Supporting Ukraine
Learn how the Kiwanis Clubs of the GTA are supporting Ukraine.
Continued Support for Ukraine from the Kiwanis Club of Kingsway Humber
The Kiwanis Club of Kingsway Humber continues their work to support the people of Ukraine. Last month, supplies shipped included body warmers and food.
Lincoln’s Birthday Money to Provide Medical Supplies for Ukraine
Learn more Kiwanian Lincoln and how he used money received for his birthday to get much needed supplies for the Ukraine.
Packaging Supplies for Ukrainian Families
Kiwanians Mary Ellen, Janice and Pat collected medical and diaper supplies and package them into boxes for shipping to the Ukraine.
Kingsway Humber Kiwanians packing emergency items at Global Medic
Kiwanians from Kingsway Humber were part of a team packing emergency items at Global Medic on Saturday, April 2 from 9.30 to 12.30.
Delivery of Donations to Father John Redmond High School for Ukraine
In response to the crisis in Ukraine, members of the Kiwanis Kingsway Humber Club were able to gather much needed donations for shipping to the Ukraine.
Get In Touch
Are you interested in supporting Ukraine? Get in touch.