We are excited to share the news that Division 9 has been named a Distinguished DivIsion for the 2021-22 Kiwanis Administration year. In other good news, the Kiwanis Club of Toronto has also been named a Distinguished Club for the 2021-22 year. The letter from Jim Steele, IPG Kiwanis EC&C District is below.
To all 2021-2022 LG’s of EC&C:
During our training session in 2021 the criteria to be a Distinguished Division was presented and discussed. At that time, we didn’t realize what lay ahead of us during the 21/22 Kiwanis Administrative year.
No one could disagree that what you experienced in your Clubs throughout your Division was more difficult than ever imagined due to being in the midst of Covid 19. However, the ground rules were established and that is what we had to measure the results by.
The Distinguished Divisions results as shown on the attached chart, show 1/3 of our Divisions were able to meet the criteria. We had discussed at each meeting how important opening new Clubs to bring in new members was, and that if you could make that happen, it made it much easier in meeting the Distinguished criteria.
Overall, you and your clubs again showed the Kiwanis world that EC&C is one of the top Districts. That wouldn’t have happened without the dedication and work that you put into your year allowing us to again Emerge Stronger in 21/22.
To those LG’s that were Distinguished, congratulations from myself and the District Board.
To our entire team please stay involved in your Divisions and continue to help and mentor those that will come along behind you. The more help and guidance that you can give, will allow your Division to be successful. The result is we can serve more children in your community and around the world.
Thank you for all you do.
Kiwanis EC&C District