95th Riverdale Golf Day

Aug 23, 2021 | 0 comments

The 95th Riverdale Golf Day will be taking place on Thursday, September 2, 2021. Players will be playing for the Ted Rogers/Colin McMechan golf trophy. This will be a “Best Ball Format” plus Longest Drive & Putting Contest. Tee Times will be assigned.


Remington Parkview Golf and Country Club
6400 Steeles Ave East (2.5 km east of Markham Road – Hwy 48)


The total cost per golfer is $150. (A tax receipt for $150.00 will be issued.)  This fee includes lunch and dinner. There will be door prizes, a raffle and a silent auction. Prizes include a 55″ LG Smart HD Television, an Apple Mini iPad and many more great prizes.

Dinner is an excellent Prime Rib Roast and will be served at 5:00 p.m.


To register, send the names of your foursome to Allen Pollard. Note that if you are not in a foursome, you will be placed with a group.


Payment can be made by etransfer and sent to kiwanis3567@bell.net. No password or secret question is required. We do ask that you include the golfer(s) name in the “Note” area.

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